How-To Measure Enterprise Wi-Fi Speeds

If you’re looking to measure your Wi-Fi’s speed, you’ll need to test it from multiple locations and at different times of the day. For example, you may want to test it from a variety of locations during the morning, midday, and evening. You can also use apps to check the performance of your wireless LAN. These apps are designed to give you a general idea of how fast your Wi-Fi connection is. However, even the fastest Internet connection can experience some problems. For instance, if you’re standing next to your router, you will have a better chance of reaching your Wi-Fi’s maximum potential. On the other hand, if you’re in an office with many other people around, your Wi-Fi speed might suffer.

Test Your Wifi’s Throughput

Ideally, you’ll need to test your WiFi’s throughput using a test platform. These can vary from one sensor to another, but they generally provide more than just speed testing. You can also map throughput results to your floor plan. Depending on the software you choose, you can find out more about your Wi-Fi’s coverage and noise levels.

Measure the Latency

You can measure the latency of your Wi-Fi’s speed to make sure you’re getting the best response time. It’s important to use a faster latency, especially for video streaming and games like League of Legends.

Download and Upload Speeds

Typically, your download speeds will be measured in megabits per second (Mbps) and upload speeds in bits per second. The numbers will depend on the number of people using your Wi-Fi, and how much bandwidth you have. For example, if you have a 10Mbps connection, you can download much faster than a 4Mbps connection.

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Install a Test App

You can also test your WiFi’s speed by installing a test app on your computer or smartphone. These applications are available for a wide variety of platforms, including Android and iOS. You’ll just need to run it in order to get speed reading.

Whether you’re testing a wireless LAN or your home broadband, there are a few factors that can affect your results. For example, the number of devices connecting to your network can affect the number of bits you get per second. In addition to this, the location of your router and the direction of the antennae can also affect your Wi-Fi signal’s strength.

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